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Transition to Organic Livestock Production Webinar

Canadian Organic Growers

39 McArthur Av
Ottawa ON K1L 8L7

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

Less than one week

1 Hour

Coût :

Cost: $20 + tax

Date: February 15th, 2011 Time: 12pm - 1pm EST

Public cible :

Livestock Producers

Mode d'enseignement :


Entreprises Agricoles:

Other Animal

Sujets de formation :

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

This webinar is intended for livestock producers who are considering or are in the process of transitioning to organic production. You will learn about converting to organic, breed selection, nutrition, grazing management, health care alternatives, certification and record keeping.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Danielle Chabassol, Office Manager

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-09

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