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AgExpert for YOUR Farm

Stark & Marsh Chartered Accountants

Swift Current SK

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Durée du programme :

plus de 2 mois

CLASS SIZE - Only you! We do one on one training, so you get exactly what YOU need.

DATES - At the client's request.

LOCATIONS - Either at your place of business, or at one of our office locations: Swift Current, Shaunavon, Cabri, Val Marie, Leader, Maple Creek and Kyle.

The intent of this course is to tailor the learning to the specific needs of the client. We are offering one on one training with each individual client to ensure that the client learns the things that are pertinent to their business. This will allow client's from all different levels of AgExpert comfort to focus on their particular areas of necessity. We also appreciate that the constraining factor for many of our farm businesses is time, so we offer a flexible schedule where the learner can either attend our office or have us come to their home for either full or half days.

Programme :

DAY 1 (6 hours)9:00 – 10:30 – One of our Certified AgExpert consultants will review the clients’ comfort with AgExpert and determine what the needs for their business are. This time will also be used to ensure that our trainer fully understands the logistics of the farming operation and what improvements may be made from a records management side. By customizing our training to the needs of the client, there is no wasted time covering what is already known or items that are not applicable.


The Stark & Marsh AgExpert training team will use this time to set up the electronic AgExpert file that is customized for the client’s needs and ensures that all opening balances and amounts are correct, so the client begins working with a clean slate. We feel that a learner obtains a better understanding by doing, so we have the client bring in their first three months of records and have them complete their own records, under the direction of our trainer. We help the client to understand what their regular monthly routine should be and to complete the record keeping for that timeframe. During this session, we also teach the learner how to pull regular reports out of the program and how those reports can be read to help them make better management decisions. Finally, we ensure that the client is comfortable in saving and backing up their files and explain the importance of having back-ups for risk management purposes.


DAY 4 – (up to 7 hours)

*Additional hours can be purchased at a cost of $75/hr. at any point, at the request of the client.*


Coût :

  • $2,200 includes 27.5 hours of training.
  • Additional hours can be purchased at $75/hour.
  • Travel will be charged at an hourly rate of $75/hour and $0.50/km.

Diplôme/Certificat :


We provide a certificate upon successful completion of the program.

Mode d'enseignement :

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Disponibilité du programme :

En soirée
Le jour
Toute l'année

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)

Financial record keeping on AgExpert.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-05-08

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