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Certificate in Organic Soil Management

Organic Farming Institute of BC

PO Box 247
Keremeos BC V0X 1N0

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Durée du programme :

une semaine à 2 mois
96 hours (2 x 40 hours self paced on-line and 2 x 8 hours weekend field training.)/ Self paced on-line

Coût :

Introduction to Organic Soil Management and Nutrient cycles $525, Organic Soil Management Practices and Transitioning to organics $525, Field training in organic farming $325.

Public cible :

New and Current Organic farmers, farm apprentices, farmers transitioning to organic methods.

Diplôme/Certificat :

Certificate in Organic Soil Management.

Mode d'enseignement :

Par Internet
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme
Interactive and Engaging on line course, Self paced - Instructor guided. Video, Narrated presentations, Interactive presentations, quizzes, graded assignments and reading and Field Training on working organic farms.

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année
Le week-end

Entreprises Agricoles:

Fruits de verger et Vignes
Fruits de champs et Légumes
Autres et Non Traditionnel

Sujets de formation :

This certificate provides the foundation for successful organic farming – good organic soil management including; Principles of organic soil management, Basic chemistry and plant growth, Soil formation, properties and types, Soil organic matter and biodiversity, Nutrients and nutrient cycles, Soil pH testing and assessment, Basic soil cultivation techniques, Using green manure crops, using compost and manure, Applying acceptable mineral and organic inputs to address soil problems and Transitioning to organic methods. Field training elements include farm tours, practical skills, development of site specific crop plans.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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