207 - 116 Research Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N 3R3
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Coût :
The tuition fee is $525.00; which covers all program and material costs, (includes all meals throughout the retreat and course), a Leadership Saskatchewan Alumni membership (renewed annually) and a 10% discount on all further SCCD training programs. Accommodation at the Retreat is not included however participants receive a discounted rate at the hosting hotel.
The tuition fee is $525.00; which covers all program and material costs, (includes all meals throughout the retreat and course), a Leadership Saskatchewan Alumni membership (renewed annually) and a 10% discount on all further SCCD training programs. Accommodation at the Retreat is not included however participants receive a discounted rate at the hosting hotel.
Public cible :
The program is targeted to those who live or work in the rural Saskatchewan community.
Diplôme/Certificat :
Upon completion of this program you will receive a Certificate of Participation from the Saskatchewan Council for Community Development at the annual awards dinner.
Upon completion of this program you will receive a Certificate of Participation from the Saskatchewan Council for Community Development at the annual awards dinner.
Mode d'enseignement :
Leadership Saskatchewan examines eleven different areas related to community leadership. The program starts with a two-day leadership retreat, followed by seven sessions of training in your community. As well, participants are expected to apply their knowledge and skills to a community project.
Leadership Saskatchewan examines eleven different areas related to community leadership. The program starts with a two-day leadership retreat, followed by seven sessions of training in your community. As well, participants are expected to apply their knowledge and skills to a community project.
Entreprises Agricoles:
Sujets de formation :
Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Ressources humaines
Ressources humaines
Langue d'enseignement :
Personne-contact :
Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08