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Agricultural and Resource Economics, Agribusiness, Business Management

University of British Columbia

Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Office of the Dean, #248-2357 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4

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Diplôme/Certificat :


Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)
Marketing (incluant valeur ajoutée)
Agricultural and resource economics includes the application of economic principles to the food marketing, production, processing, distribution, and utilization sectors. Programs provide students with a base of economic theory, quantitative methods, and computer skills. Agribusiness and business management includes the areas of business management, marketing, finance and sales as well as the legal and institutional environment that characterize the commodity/food industry.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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