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Canadian Agriculture Lifetime Leadership Program

University of Saskatchewan - College of Agriculture and Bioresources

2D30-51 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N 5A8

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Those who have demonstrated leadership potential and commitment to the agricultural industry

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Ressources humaines
The Canadian Agriculture Lifetime Leadership Program was developed jointly by the Canadian Farm Business Management Council, University of Saskatchewan and Laval University and is administered by the University of Saskatchewan. The program is a national leader development program designed for men and women that have demonstrated leadership potential and commitment to the agricultural industry. Participants are selected for the course and are chosen based on their leadership positions with national, provincial, and regional agricultural organizations. The objective of the program is to create a pool of leaders in the industry that can positively influence the development of the agriculture and agri-food industries in Canada and help to provide leadership for new ventures in the industry. Targeted skills include leadership skills, personal development, improved business management, development of new agriculture enterprises, networking, and agriculture advocacy. The course is offered through seminars and workshops throughout the year, home-study lessons and travel and tours throughout Canada. The course runs for two years and there have been two offerings of this course in 1997-1999 and 2000-2002. Currently, however, this course is dormant and is not being offered due to funding cutbacks at the University of Saskatchewan. Scott McLean, the program administrator, is currently looking for another institution that could lead the program and hopes that it will be up and running again soon as it is a valuable program for leaders in the agriculture and agri-food industries. Program fees in the second offering of the program were $7,000 per participant. The cost of the program is roughly $20,000-$23,000 per participant and the Canadian Farm Business Management Council funds the other two-thirds of the cost.

Langue d'enseignement :


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Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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