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Bachelor of Science in Fisheries & Aquaculture

Malaspina University-College

Centre for Shellfish Research, Building 373, 900 5th St.
Nanaimo BC V9R 5S5

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Durée du programme :

plus de 2 mois
4 year Degree Completion Program.

Coût :

4-year Degree Completion Program. The B.Sc. in Fisheries & Aquaculture has been designed to offer students a great deal of flexibility, and there are several routes through this program. Students may begin in year one and complete the program at the end o

Diplôme/Certificat :


Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Production animale
4-year Degree Completion Program. The B.Sc. in Fisheries & Aquaculture has been designed to offer students a great deal of flexibility, and there are several routes through this program. Students may begin in year one and complete the program at the end of year four, or they may enter at year two or three from Malaspina University-College or from other institutions. They may also complete the two-year Fisheries & Aquaculture Technology diploma program and then proceed to the B.Sc. with up to two years (60 credits) of advance credit. Some students elect this pathway after completing the Technology program and then working in industry for a few years. The Bachelor of Science in Fisheries & Aquaculture is an applied technology degree program. In its association with the two-year Fisheries & Aquaculture diploma program and the Bachelor of Science, Major in Biology degree program, the B.Sc. in Fisheries & Aquaculture degree provides students with a mix of a broad science background and applied, hands-on, technical skills. Graduates will be well schooled in scientific principles, have an understanding of the philosophical and ethical underpinnings of science, and will be trained in the practical skills required to enter employment in industry or government, as well as be immediately productive

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

(250) 753-3245 Ext. 2100
Visitez le site Internet du programme
Dr. Don Furnell, Chair, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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