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General Technical, Shellfish Water Quality Training AQUA 559T

Malaspina University-College

Centre for Shellfish Research, Building 373, 900 5th St.
Nanaimo BC V9R 5S5

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Durée du programme :

moins d’une semaine
2 days

Coût :

2 days General Technical, Shellfish Water Quality Training AQUA 559T The success of any shellfish farming production operations depends on high quality growing water. The condition of the water resource impacts both harvesting regulations as well as the

Diplôme/Certificat :


Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Production animale
Gestion de l’environnement
Fonctionnement et entretien d’équipement et de machinerie agricole
2 days General Technical, Shellfish Water Quality Training AQUA 559T The success of any shellfish farming production operations depends on high quality growing water. The condition of the water resource impacts both harvesting regulations as well as the quality of the end-product. This course prepares students to collect water samples in shellfish growing areas for fecal coliform bacteria analysis and gives the student an overview of the various marine biotoxins, and the bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases shellfish are susceptible to. Certification by Environment Canada can be arranged in conjunction with this course. Prerequisites: None, Constraints: None, Portable: Yes

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

(250) 740-6569
Visitez le site Internet du programme
Greg Bromley, Program Coordinator

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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