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Environmental Farm Plan

Provincial Council of Agriculture Development and Diversification (ADD) Boards for Saskatchewan Inc.

220-333 25th Street East
Saskatoon SK S7K 0L4

Visitez notre site Internet

Diplôme/Certificat :


Mode d'enseignement :

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Gestion de l’environnement
What is the Canada-Alberta Farm Stewardship Program? A. The CAFSP is the Alberta component of the National Farm Stewardship Program, an initiative funded under the Agricultural Policy Framework. The overall objective of the CAFSP isaccelerated adoption of beneficial management practices (BMPs) on Canadian farms andagricultural landscapes. This will be achieved through the provision of cost shared incentivesand technical assistance to producers for the implementation of BMPs that address on-farmenvironmental risks.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

(866) 298-7222
(306) 955-5477
Sharon Davies, PCAB Administrator

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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