434 Russell Street
Victoria BC V9A 3X3
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Target Audience:
Recognition Provided:
Method of Instruction:
En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Production animale
Gestion de l’environnement
Seaquaria in Schools is an interactive learning tool that uses salt-water aquaria to stimulate marine education and conservation in schools and communities. As students care for their ecosystems and participate in hands-on activities, they build an understanding and respect for the organisms and develop stewardship skills.
Gestion de l’environnement
Seaquaria in Schools is an interactive learning tool that uses salt-water aquaria to stimulate marine education and conservation in schools and communities. As students care for their ecosystems and participate in hands-on activities, they build an understanding and respect for the organisms and develop stewardship skills.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2013-05-08